Thursday, April 2, 2009

An ode to 21!

My darling lilP turns 21 months today...soon we will outgrow the monthly milestones and make rapid strides into years...But we shall think of that later. Now is the time to revel in the moment.... So here's my wish for you sweetheart....."may you always remain healthy and happy.".......Also a snapshot of 21 things which are so "you"......

  • The forcefulness in the way you say "de...." to anything you want.

  • The tight pursing of your lips as you try to restrain a smile, while your eyes give it away.

  • The complete adoration with which you look at yourself in the mirror....(sigh! i wish you looked at me like that)

  • The fearless manner in which you try to feed the cat...while yours truly gapes in horror..(apologies to menaka gandhi....but we are like this only)

  • Crispy banana wafers are devoured promptly, while grated apple is thrown out because you are too lazy to chew anything healthy...(who wants to be size zero after all!!)

  • The cute way in which you blush...(reminds one of hindi film heroines of the black n white era), only to look furtively whether the subject you are trying to woo is still looking at you.

  • The way you walk..."chhati tan ke"...

  • The way you turndown your lower lip...and go and stand in a corner with your back towards us....took us a while to figure out that you were actually sulking:-)

  • How you hate to be excluded out of any conversation....nd would do anything...from making pulling if all else fails....sit on the persons lap and pull their face to make them look at you.

  • The endearing manner in which you sing "tick....tock...tick tock" with both your hands moving...when asked where is the clock

  • The compassion in your eyes, when you find me sad or with tears in my eyes....and the way you look at me silently from afar...before you come to me and tenderly say"Mumma..a"

  • You love to mop the floor with any clean piece of cloth (and no dispute on that) and scrub it with every ounce of energy in your body.

  • you love to doodle with pens called "pain" on any scrap of paper

  • You stake ownership to your aai's (granmom) lap...forget other kids....not even your mama (maternal uncle) is allowed to so much as come within touching distance to her.

  • You have made a slave out of your baba (granddad)...who excitedly runs to even clean you up after a potty session, just because you call out to him once you are done...

  • The way you pompously smile when I say "Comeone everyone clap your hands for LilP" to encourage you on something well done and you look around to see if everyone is actually clapping.

  • your insisitence on "dog" being pronounced as "Doji" and the firm nod of your head which accompanies it if to say...comeone mumma...say it right.

  • You wiggle into non-existent space between two people and slowly and steadily push them to make room for your ample butt:-)

  • Not getting your way puts you in tantrum mode....first you kneel on the floor...with head touching the ground..(as if praying)...and get your act together....then start banging your head with your palms (a la...professional mourners)...all this while we struggle to keep a straight face and ignore you.

  • You keep yourself abreast of the latest happenings in the world by reading exactly the same manner in which the others in the household do....imitating them to the last holding the paper in the correct manner to turning the moving your eyes across...its quite a sight.

  • your killer moves on the dance floor are legendary in our house.....strains of music and you are up and about...moving to the beat!!

I could go on and on....but you are truly one-of-a-kind....and just a dimpled smile is all we require to be willing slaves to your highness "lilP"

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Space Relationships is very important....something I have heard advocated ever so often.
But what if SPACE for someone is DISTANCE for another?